incenTrip employs the latest real-time data and machine learning technologies to accurately predict traffic to help travelers avoid both day-to-day congestion and traffic jams caused by traffic accidents, transit maintenance, work zones, special events, and adverse weather conditions. App users can find all multimodal travel options including transit, rideshare, driving, walking, biking, and multimodal options. App users earn reward points while receiving recommendations on the best travel mode, departure time and/or route before and during a trip. User can exchange their reward points for gift cards or cash. In addition, incenTrip analyzes and help users adopt eco-friendly driving behavior, which could save each user hundreds of dollars in fuel cost each year. Earn reward points every time when you plan or log a trip with incenTrip, take advantage of multimodal travel options, outsmart traffic jams, reach personal green travel goals, win commute challenges, and invite your friends to join!